Catching Your Breath

Have you ever been outside and consciously closed your eyes, tilted your face towards the sun and taken in a deep breath? Then with the soft warmth of the sun’s rays shining on your face exhaled with a feeling of refreshed optimism in the gracious goodness of God? It is like God is shining His face down on you filling you and your life with His light, love, holiness, purity and presence renewing your faith in Him.

That’s my goal for each day. To walk in the light of His love, having been forgiven, reborn and redeemed by Jesus to live an abundant life of freedom and blessings in Him. I just have to remember to look up to the Son, put my focus on Him and receive the refreshing breaths of His life moment by moment.

So today, I decided to take a walk in hopes of regaining that fresh faith, renewed focus and catching my breath by filling my mind with the goodness and blessings of God all around.

Here are some pictures I took along the way. I hope they encourage you as the sights did me. :)

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