Sights and Signs of Life

With summer in full swing, the days are long and full of fun activities. God’s presence can be felt like the warm sunshine each day. Joyful noises of birds singing, people laughing and an occasional rain shower fill the air. However, if we are not looking for these beautiful sights and signs of life, we can miss the comforting and good gifts God gives us every moment of our lives.

That’s right God is constantly covering us with His tender care and lovingly carrying us through the journey of life until we are at home with Him forever in heaven. Some days seem long and there are even season’s when we don’t see or feel this truth of God’s love. However, not only is God there protecting, guiding and blessing but He and His promises are always faithful and true.

It is in times like these we often need some extra nudges to see God’s blessings and goodness all around us. We need to be reminded that God is so good and that He is pouring out His love on us in so many ways. The song “Count your blessing, name them one by one” is not only for children but everyone regardless of age.  It’s a sure way to brighten up a day and fill it with some “Sonshine” that will put bounce in your step and song in your heart.

In case you need some visual prompting to think and believe God’s best about the day, check out the attached pics below. :)

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